Friday, November 16, 2007


Okay, so I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi. My name is Allie. This is me:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I have a boyfriend/fiance(e?). His name is Anthony, and he lets me braid his long, lucious hair. He is a teacher in Georgia, and he makes me giddy as a schoolgirl. I'd post a photo of us, but I don't feel like opening photoshop yet again and resizing a picture. Plus then I'd agonize about how fat I look, ect, ect.

I am 20, and I live near Boston, Massachusetts. I grew up in Pennsylvania, in a place that is half farmland, half city. Its very nice. I grew up horseback riding, but had to give it up when I was in my early teens because of allergies. I still love it, though, and still take to the trails when I can. I'm a freak: I love show jumping. There's something about being airborn while on a horse that really gets the blood pumpin'. I've survived ornery horses who like to kick, bite, and fight, horses who like to spook at the waving of a blade of grass, and horses who like to stop dead after a jump. I've flown over the neck of a horse more times then I can count, and I've simply fallen asleep in the saddle and slid right off.

I'm a history major/photo minor. Most of my photos for school are film. I absolutly love developing and printing film. Its thereputic. Unless there are creepy men who stare at you and get all nosey with you. Then, the therepy of it is slightly disturbed. But man. Stick me on a horse ranch with a darkroom, and I'll be the happiest girl ever.

I live five minutes away from the beach, five minutes away from the forest, and 45 minutes away from one of the greatest and most beautiful cities in the world. I'm lucky.

I work at a store that sells all kinds of goodies for your body. I won't name the name because...well, thats just not safe anymore. But it provides me with many a hilarious moments and many a "What the hell?" moments.

I've got a normally dysfuntional family. They are crazy and I wouldn't take them any other way. But hey, I'm crazy too. So it works.

That's me in a nutshell. :D

Oh, and I love to cook and bake. I'll post recipies occasionally, mostly to remind myself of what I did. But hey. Feel free to try 'em. :D

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